Obituaries Made Easy

Obituary Assistant is a free plugin that lets you add obituaries to your website and earns you money.

The Obituary Assistant Advantage

Intuitive and easy to add obituaries

Installs on any website in minutes

Free and earns you money


Funeral Homes


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Obituaries This Week

Obituaries Simplified for Funeral Homes

Obituary Assistant was created for funeral homes. You control your website, we make obituaries easy.

Install our plugin on your website in minutes and benefit from features that simplify obituary management and make it profitable. Obituaries are the most visited pages on a funeral home website and they raise the profile of your brand.

funeral homes

A Memorial Solution for Pet Facilities

Obituary Assistant is a free, quick, and easy way for any cremation facility around the world to integrate pet memorials into their website.

Our customizations for pets offer memorials that include life stories, candles, and memories. The memorials you add honor the pets you serve, bring comfort to their families, and add love and emotion to your website.

Obituaries Made Easy for Newspapers

Obituary Assistant makes it easy for newspapers to publish obituaries and monetize them. 

Online newspapers can choose to charge visitors per obituary or allow obituaries to be entered for free and profit from built in revenue streams. 

Print newspapers can display and further monetize obituaries captured offline. 

See how our plugin simplifies obituary management for newspapers. 

Newspaper Obituaries

Free and Earns You Money

Obituary Assistant is free and is paid for by revenue streams in the plugin which also earn you money.

Funeral homes in the United States and Canada can offer flowers delivered by a local florist of their choice. Memorial trees can be planted in memory of loved ones. 

International users and pets facilities also earn money.

Revenue streams can be customized to suit your needs.

Earn Money
Tree Certificate